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Doing Good study guide

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What Happens When Christians Live Like Christians

If Christians are “saved by grace,” totally apart from good works, what difference does it make if we do good or not?  In this companion study guide to his series, Doing Good, Chip Ingram reveals the key reasons why Doing Good matters so much.

DVD course study guide

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What Happens When Christians Live Like Christians

If Christians are “saved by grace,” totally apart from good works, what difference does it make if we do good or not?  In this companion study guide to his series, Doing Good, Chip Ingram reveals the key reasons why Doing Good matters so much.

DVD course study guide


Why should good works matter? Aren’t we saved apart from our works? Yes we are, but according to Scripture, Doing Good is not just a suggestion, it can be a very powerful part of our walk with Christ.

In this series, Chip Ingram explains how we can become people who habitually do good – and the first step begins with who we are, not what we do.  According to Scripture, doing good is not just a suggestion, it is very powerful, and can be costly. Chip encourages us, however, that the price of idleness can be even more costly.

In this companion study guide based on the book of Titus, Chip reveals there are four key reasons why doing good matters so much. Delve deep into Scripture in this study guide to discover why being others-centered is so important to our Heavenly Father.

This study guide will challenge you to consider what Doing Good will do in you and then through you, for the benefit of others and the glory of God.

This eight session study guide includes the following topics:

Why Doing Good Matters So Much – Part 1 & 2: What it would take for you and the people around you to know real, lasting, true, authentic love? That’s a pretty tall order, but it begins with a very simple idea.

Doing Good – Where It All Begins – Part 1 & 2: Talk is cheaper than ever and we all know how hard it is to actually follow through, as opposed to just talking about it. Chip unpacks what happens when we choose to do good.

The High Cost of Not Doing Good – Part 1 & 2: Have you ever had the urge to do something nice for someone, but decided to push that urge down and keep moving?  What actually happens when we avoid loving deeds?

How Doing Good Will Change Your World – Part 1 & 2: If you long to see your neighborhood or workplace transformed, to see positive change in your home, join Chip as he shares how choices can make all the difference.

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