The Miracle of Life Change is more than a Bible study or small group curriculum, it is a window into the heart of God.
In this 10-part training curriculum you’ll learn how to overcome lifelong habits that have held you back from experiencing God’s best; God’s threefold
principle for transformation; and the five stages of spiritual training that will equip you for success in the transformation process.
We invite you to join Chip and discover together, The Miracle of Life Change.
Session 1 Is a “changed life” really possible?
Session 2 Overcoming obstacles to life change
Session 3 How do you deal with the problem of sin?
Session 4 Where do we get the power to change?
Session 5 How God brings out the best in His children
Session 6 How to become the person you’ve always longed to be
Session 7 How to “break out” of a destructive lifestyle
Session 8 God’s threefold principle of transformation
Session 9 The role of spiritual training in the life change process (Part 1)
Session 10 The role of spiritual training in the life changeprocess (Part 2)